Category News

DETOUR project meeting in Antalya explores resilient tourism 

On 22–23 January 2025, our organisation Training 2000 participated in the kick-off meeting of the DETOUR project: Development of Resilient Tourism Ecosystems along Mediterranean Walking Routes. Organized by  Antalya Provincial Tourism Management (ATM) with support from the Culture Routes Society…

Creating micro-credential based training for the NET0Manager project

The NET0Manager project (Carbon Management Training course for entrepreneurs of a net zero tomorrow, ) is an Erasmus+ project focused on improving the skills and competences of EU managers on carbon management by providing innovative approaches to face the management of Net-0. The project consortium,…

Primo Meeting del progetto europeo DETOUR in Turchia

Il 22 e 23 gennaio 2025, Training2000 parteciperà al primo incontro del progetto europeo “DETOUR: Sviluppo di Ecosistemi Turistici Resilienti lungo le Rotte Mediterranee”, finanziato dall’Unione Europea nell’ambito del programma COSME. Avviato il 1° novembre 2024 da otto partner europei,…

DETOUR kick-off meeting in Antalya, Turkey

On 22-23 January 2025 Training2000 will participate in the kick-off meeting of the European project “DETOUR: Development of Resilient Tourism Ecosystems along Mediterranean Routes”, financed by the European Union under the COSME programme.  The project, launched on 1 november 2024…

🌍💻 Net0 Manager Team in Action!

Today, the Net0Manager team—featuring Training 2000, Innogestiona Ambiental, Gebze Technical University, HETFA Csoport, Sunrise Tech Park, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, and European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME—came together for a dynamic online meeting! 🚀 The focus? Advancing…

Il successo della conferenza finale READY4Disaster in Turchia

La conferenza di chiusura del progetto READY4DISasters – “Sviluppare comunità resilienti aumentando la consapevolezza e la preparazione contro il rischio di incendi, inondazioni e frane” si è tenuta il 20 novembre 2024  presso il Centro Congressi dell’Università Tecnica di Gebze…

Training2000 Showcases Net0Manager at Marche Europa Fair!

Yesterday, during the “Fiera Marche Europa”, Training2000, as part of the Net0Manager project, actively participated, presenting the initiative to an engaged audience of trainers, education experts, teachers, managers, and entrepreneurs. The event served as a platform to revitalize the training…