The team of “SENIORS IN A CULTURE ROAD OF AWARENESS VIA THE MODERN AND INTERCULTURAL DIVERSITY”- SinCRoMinD project is ready to share with you the Sincromind Compendium: the set of best practices to encourage people at the age of 55 and above to adopt an active, healthy, creative and successful way of living is now available online!
The Sincromind compendium provides 12 different Good practices (2 for each partner) that can be further implemented with the aim of enriching awareness and heritage and enhancing personal development, group cohesion, socialization, and sense of belonging among the citizenship of 55+. Each project partner shared their good practices as follows:
- ECHO Playback Theatre (Greece): Playback Theatre Performance & Dance Intergenerational Workshop;
- OIKO.POLI.S (Greece): Cultural awareness for senior via intergenerational activities and a cooking workshop with pupils and seniors
- Università dell’età libera Enzo Ficai (Italy): A visit to a Museum in a new way and a theatrical acting workshop with the aim of stay together with energy and creativity
- Balkanska Agenciya za Ustoychivo Razvitie – BASD (Bulgaria): biographic narrative interviews allowing senior citizens to send their messages to the next generation and the Bread Methodology
- Georgian Technical University (Georgia): Wine tasting, singing, poetry, painting and culinary remotely workshop and the Digital Game
- Training 2000( Italy):Folklore music and dance event and the English Intermediate for seniors training session.
- WASLA – Arabisches Deutsches Center für Dialog (Germany): Mobile Applications Workshop and the “Let’s dance to Get Physical, Mental, and Social Benefits” workshop.
The partners of this project are seven organizations from Greece, Italy, Germany, Bulgaria, Georgia expert in the fields of Arts, Culture, ICT with seniors and are willing to be innovative in giving seniors some tools and resources from their shared experiences and practices.
Finally some additional Common activities that involved the partners are described in the Compendium; an international online event entitled “Cooking Together!” was carried out to exchange cultural elements and traditions through the “language” of food! All the partners
cooked all together at the same time, setting an international table where they exchanged wishes for the New Year! Thus, they found out that they can feel close even by distance via the Internet. They connected virtually but also deeply sentimentally.
Link to the e-magazine:
Video of the “Cooking Together” event
The compendium in Italian Language is available here!
For further information and updates, please visit the project website at: