Training 2000 in cooperation with GO! organised the 8th TACCLE IST Course in Italy from 4-8 April 2016. The International training course aimed to help teachers to develop state of the art contents for e-learning in general and for learning environments in particular.
23 European teachers and trainers, took part in the 5 days intensive training course which combined theoretical input with practical examples and hands-on activities. During the course, held at Istituto “A. Olivetti” in Fano, the participants had the possibility to create contents for electronic learning and understand which ICT tools and content are most useful for in-class teaching/training. The teachers acquired competences on how to create learning objects taking into account information design, web standards, usability criteria and reusability (text, images, animations, audio, video).
Credits – Kristel Woouters
One of the main results of TACCLE IST Courses is also the establishment of a culture of innovation in the schools in which the participants work.
For more information you can visit: taccle2.eu