For the 4th Transnational Project Meeting, the SmartEnvi partners gathered in Fano ( Italy) from the 9th until the 11th of November 2022. On thi occasion, partners had the chance to share ideas and updates on the development of the project results, namely the SmartEnvi training modules soon available on a dedicated e-learning platform (IO2). The consortium is finalizing the adaptation of the 8 modules and 8 case studies in all 5 national languages (Italian, Polish, Turkish, Romanian and Bulgarian). The aim is to develop competences in various sustainability-relevant sectors so that target groups ( engineers, technical personnel, researchers and decision-makers) will be able to deal effectively with the rehabilitation of open dumps.
The partners’ discussion also revolved around the Decision Tool for Rehabilitation of Open Dumps (IO1), the most practical element among the project intellectual outputs. The Smart Decision Tools will help in analysing and then implementing the most effective solutions in terms of reducing and preveting hazards to our environment and water resources when dealing with uncontrolled sanitary landfills.
Under the guidance of the Municipality of Fano and ASET Spa, the local waste management public company, the consortium visited the landfill of Monteschiantello which was described in Case Study 8. During the visit, SmartEnvi partners appreciated the waste management solutions implemented for citizens and for the environment (waste handling equipment and machinery, odors control, landscape plan, etc.). By the end of the Italian meeting, the consortium met the Mayor of Fano, Massimo Seri who reaffirmed the pivotal role of an effective waste management model for European cities as the world face the climate challenge day by day.
Next transnational project meeting will be held in Romania on February 2023. Stay tuned for more updates!