PACE Project – Teachers Training in Italy


On 9-13 May 2016 the PACE Teachers Training Course was held in Fano (Italy). The training course, organised by Training 2000, aimed at presenting the steps and tools needed for the foundation and management of a student enterprise in order to give to the participants the knowledge needed to implement the same processes in their schools. The teachers, coming from Italy, Germany and Spain, had the opportunity to carry out different practical activities and simulations, exploring several ICT tools for educational purposes.


During the course the teachers had the opportunity to evaluate the training path and the tools suggested in order to validate the educational process foreseen. Their feedback will be useful to improve the Teachers Training Course and the materials created within the PACE project.

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The participants had also the opportunity to share their experiences and educational processess during the 5 days training and have prepared themselves for the organisation of the next student exchange which will take place in November 2016.