Łukasiewicz- Institute for Sustainable Technologies, as project partner, hosted the transnational meeting in Radom (Poland), on 10 December 2021.
Due to the pandemic restrictions, the meeting took place as an hybrid event: partners from Italy (TRAINING2000), Spain (University of Deusto) and Poland (Łukasiewicz- Institute for Sustainable Technologies) participated in person while the Turkish partner (Mugla Sitki Kocman University) joined the meeting virtually.
Łukasiewicz- Institute for Sustainable Technologies welcomed the participants and provided on overview of the meeting programme. All the partners discussed the current status of the project.
The partners focused on the IO4- Interculturality CPD Course: content analysis was finalized and Training2000, responsible of this IO, presented the Testing Reports. The main results of the first Testing Phase collected until now were shared in order to finalize the National Pilot Training Report. The partners set the date for the 2nd Testing finalization.

The polish partner arranged a visit of the Institute, showing the main departments and activities they implement, through the support of some of the experts who work in the institute. The partners visited also the Mechatronics Engineering department.

In the afternoon, UDEUSTO, with the support of the other partners, focused on Dissemination Strategy and Financial Management issues.
Finally, plans for future were shared and a future meeting was planned. In particular, the project consortium discussed the next activities to be implemented: the LTTA and the Final Project Meeting that will be held in Bilbao on February 2022.
For further information, please visit the project website at https://interculturality.eu/
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