InnoGreen Project: Second Transnational project meeting in Lisbon

On June 1st, the project partners of Innogreen had their second project meeting in Lisbon. Partners from Austria, Romania, Greece, Poland, Italy, Malta, and Portugal joined the meeting in person, while a representative from SUPSI (Switzerland) joined via Zoom. The meeting focused on short presentations about green business practices, where each partner presented their interview findings, and discussed the main strengths and weaknesses of each finding. They also talked about innovative features found in green business models and discussed methods for active implementation in the businesses.  They followed up by identifying a common method for data collection and elaboration to provide the best green practices. The goal was to identify best practices in each country and create a common method for data collection and elaboration.

On the second day of the meeting, the partners discussed the framework of the Green Innovation Business Canvas, which will be the focus of their next project activities.The focus of the next phase of the project will be on the design and implementation of the Green Business Innovation Canvas (GBIC) as a tool for businesses to enhance their sustainable practices. With IED and Malta University coordinating this effort, the partners are well-positioned to make significant progress on this front.

Overall, the second transnational project meeting was productive and informative for all the partners involved. One of the main outcomes of the meeting was the identification of the best practices in green business practices in each of the partner countries. This information will be compiled and analyzed further to provide valuable insights and recommendations for businesses looking to increase their sustainability and reduce their environmental impact.

They also defined deadlines for their next activities, and Galaţi University (UDJG) provided support.Overall, the meeting was useful for clarifying results and identifying the best green practices and innovative features. As the project progresses, the partners will continue to work closely together to identify innovative approaches and best practices in green business, with the ultimate goal of promoting sustainability in the participating countries and beyond.