First project Transnational meeting of Net0Manager Project

The journey of the Erasmus+ project Net0manager has begun!  The first transnational project meeting was held on December 14-15, 2023 in Spain (Badajoz).

Training 2000 is the project coordinator and will work with VET institutes, SME representatives, and experts specializing in environmental and engineering services from all Europe: Innogestiona Ambiental-Spain, European Entrepreneurs CEA – PME– Belgium , Sunrise Tech Park – Lithuania, Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi -Turkey, Hétfa Kutatóintézet – Hungary and SUPSI University -Switzerland as associated partner.

After a brief introduction on the objectives, target groups and outcomes envisaged by the project, the partners have discussed and agreed on different organisational aspects and discussed the main project results:

  • Net0Manager training toolkit and a Competence Map
  • Net0Manager Online Training Platform
  • Net0Manager recommendation set strategy

During the meeting Partners focused on the first result to be developed such as the Net0 Manager comprehensive training toolkit. This toolkit will include a competence map and a modular training path designed to help SMEs and their managers gain a deeper understanding of the Net0 concept. It will provide practical guidance on how SMEs can incorporate Net0 practices into their daily operations. In the next weeks, once identified all the most relevant and needed skills and the competences to carry on the net0 transition within the companies, the final Net0 Manager Competence map will be created.

Stay tuned for more updates as Net0Manager continues its journey towards a Net0 future!