DGSA Training Course in Fano

Training2000, as host partner organized the “DGSA Learning and training Activity” in Italy, from 01 to 07 July 2022.

The staff  welcomed all the participants and described the agenda of the Learning Activities and of the training programme and the workshop planned. Training2000 described in details the aims and the objectives of the training programme and the workshops activity organized for the next days. During the first day of the LTTA, the group visited the Transadriatico srl (transport planning and logistics fuel)  in Grottammare and discussed the management of dangerous goods transportation with Dr Eng. Cleto Patti responsable of the company.

In the afternoon, all the partners participated in the meeting to discuss the evaluation of the material and to revise and finalize the training modules.

In the next days some more workshops, good practice presentation and practical sessions are planned for all the participants with the aim of collecting suggestions and recommendation of improvement.

For further information about the project activities please visite the project website at https://dgsafac.com/