In November 2022, GENCAT hosted in Barcelona (Spain) the DAMAS project partners for their face-to-face transnational meeting. The meeting took place between the 24 and the 25 of November at the GENCAT headquarter located in Barcelona.
The aim of this meeting was to share the status of the project, the main results obtained and the future activities to be implemented during the next weeks of the Project.
At the beginning of the meeting, the partners agreed on the agenda and focused on review’s activities of the project; the importance of participating in the Transnational Project meeting had been underlined in order to carry on all the activities successfully. The activities concerning“IO2: Guidelines on the implementation of digital training and virtual mobilities in automotive professions” were discussed among the partners in order to successfully finalized it. The partners analyzed and discussed, with the support of BBQ Bildung, possible improvements and changes to provide an effective final version of the Guidelines.
With regard to the “IO3: Platform with content and OER for blended VET mobility training”, Training2000 described the main features and characteristics of Moodle platform, sharing a presentation about Module 1 and Module 2 to clarify the participants any doubts on how to handle with the online platform. All the partners expressed and shared their ideas concerning the management of the OERs platform for the training modules. GENCAT and BBQ Bildung shared their presentation respectively on Module 4 and Module 5. Each partner (with the exception of EARALL) is in charge of developing one of the six modules. Partners shared their suggestions concerning the definition of their respective modules and their implementation on the Moodle platform.
All the partners discussed the organization of the Learning and training activity in Fano (Italy) and agreed to finalize a the final agenda and invitation to the event by the end of December 2022. The partners also discussed the DAMAS final conference in Brussels that will be held on May 4-5.
Finally, dissemination and sustainability activities as well as management activities and quality assurance were discussed among the partners with the support of EARALL.
The meeting was very interesting and productive: the next project activities to be implemented were defined to be finalize before the project’s end.
In the afternoon the partners participated in a guided visit around Barcelona with the support of Students from the VET school ECAT BCN Lluïsa Cura.
The last day meeting, GENCAT organized a Visit to the VET school La Mercè where the partners had the chance to meet representatives of the project “From Combustion Engine Vehicle to Electric Vehicle”. The meeting had been very interesting for the team project.