The ADULATION Training Event for good practices exchange among Adult Educators
Seal Cyprus, as project coordinator hosted the “ADULATION In-service training for Adult Educators” in Cyprus, from 02 to 04 December 2021. At least two people from each partner country (Italy, Belgium, Hungary and Cyprus) attended the session in person.
The staff of Seal Cyprus welcomed all the participants and described the agenda of the Learning Activities and of the In-service Training Programme planned. Thus, organizers and trainers were introduced to the participants. Seal Cyprus described in details the aim and the objectives of the training programme.
Seal Cyprus presented the first teaching method – Photovoice; all the participants actively took part in the presentation of this educational tool, sharing ideas and critical points on the use of Photovoice.
On the 3rd day of the meeting, the other participants provided their contribution to the Training and Learning activities session:
– Hetfa (Hungary) provided a detailed presentation of the Storytelling ( from its origin to its latest developments) and its advantages as an educational tools. All the partners participated sharing professional experiences on the storytelling use.
– Training2000 (Italy) explained the main functionalities of Educational Animation as learning tool. In particular, 3 useful didactic tools were described: Quizlet, Socrative and Mentimeter; the participants were involved in interactive activities concerning the Right to privacy and data protection in order to test the effectiveness of these tools.
– Alphabet Formation (Belgium) presented the Kahoot! game-based learning platform applied to the issue of Euroscepticism: all the partners actively participated in the race proposed by the trainers. The trainees appreciated the idea, outlining the importance of using Kahoot! as a learning and teaching tool.
During the last day meeting, ALPHABET FORMATION presented the overview of the Handbook “Managing active citizenship initiatives with adult and senior coordinators and volunteers” to collect comments and feedback among the partners.
Finally, an open discussion closed the learning event: the participants shared their impressions and remarks. The evaluation of the training event was highly positive.
For further information about the project’s development, please visit the project website at