Partners: Oikologikos Politistikos Syllogos Chaidariou (GR) Training 2000 psc (IT) Georgian Technical University (Georgia) SBTC Danismanlik (TR) Lares Italia- Unione Nazionale Laureati Espertini in Protezione Civile (IT) Ovar Forma – Ensino e Formação, LDA (PT)
Countries: Greece, Turkey, Italy, Georgia,Portugal
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VOLinACT project aims to the dissemination of the necessity for forest fire prevention, utilizing the volunteerism of citizens through awareness-raising activities.
It creates specific volunteers’ profiles, who will be collaborating inside Volunteers’ Fire Protection Organizations (existing or going to be created in every country) for the optimization of the preparedness activities and, furthermore, for dealing with people’s needs in the post-disaster phase.