READY4Disaster – Resilient communities through awareness and preparedness against the risks of fire, flood, and landslide

Partners: Gebze Technical University, AFAD- Disaster and Emercency Management Authority, Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, LARES- Unione Nazionale Esperti in Protezione Civile, OIKO.POLI.S – Ecological Cultural Association of Chaidari, DIGIWAY

Countries: Turkey, Greece, Italy, Georgia

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READY4DISasters aims to produce necessary digital tools to support citizens and volunteers in acquiring and developing basic skills and key competencies in preparation against fires, floods, and landslides.

The aims of the project are:

  • Strengthening volunteer networks in Europe for disasters
  • Raising awareness of citizens in order to involve in volunteering and training of them
  • Motivating local citizens and raising awareness for volunteers through training procedures
  • Developing innovative training modules and OER platform regarding three different disaster type for the target groups
  • Creating digital games for three types of disasters covered in this project, for using as a tool for self-assessment and checking the competences of the volunteers
  • Developing social competences for volunteers
  • Understanding other countries’ approaches to disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery in the fields of flood, landslide and fire.
  • Networking on regional and local level, in line with EU strategic policies
  • Sharing good practices disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery
  • To present methodologies to measure resilience of communities for disasters