ProBM 2 – Understanding and Developing Business Models in the Globalisation era

Partners: Training 2000 psc, ŁUKASIEWICZ Research Network – Institute for Sustainable Technologies, University of Malta, Factor Social, University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland, SUPSI – Department of Economics, Health and Social Sciences, DEASS, University “Dunarea de Jos” of Galati

Countries: Italy, Poland, Malta, Portugal, Switzerland, Romania

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The ProBM 2 project is a continuation of the ProBM project “Understanding and Developing Business Models” (ERASMUS+), in which the partners developed a compendium of business models for the present or future entrepreneurs. The main objective of the ProBM 2 project is to increase skills and knowledge of adult educators and training providers in teaching business models. Acquired knowledge and skills will directly contribute to the design and use of a good business model by the beneficiaries (the adults wishing to undertake business activity or already having a business) in practice in their present or future enterprises.