MiGreat! Supporting Migrants into CVET

Partners: Training 2000 psc, Elderberry AB, BEST Institut GmbH, Elearning Studios Ltd, KMOP, Glocal Factory,

Countries: Italy, Greece, UK, Austria, Sweden,

Visit Website: http://mi-great.eu

Training 2000 is the coordinator of MiGreat!, an Erasmus+ project (2016-2018) which aims at developing training procedures and tools to support training and employability of migrants in partner countries.

The project aims to improve the skills of VETPROs working with immigrants, migrant workers and refugees transferring the successful vocational training pedagogy used in Sweden supported by eLearning.

The project aims at:

– Transfer a proven vocational pedagogy focusing on real work situations and skills.

– Transfer a proven vocational pedagogy into digital form including access via mobile devices.

– Transfer the live training courses into partner countries.

The main project’s target group consists in VETPROs working with immigrants. The secondary target group includes people with migrant background, migrant workers and refugees.