Creating micro-credential based training for the NET0Manager project

The NET0Manager project (Carbon Management Training course for entrepreneurs of a net zero tomorrow, is an Erasmus+ project focused on improving the skills and competences of EU managers on carbon management by providing innovative approaches to face the management of Net-0. The project consortium, coordinated by the Italian training organization Training 2000, sees the participation of partners from Hungary, Turkey, Spain, Lithuania, Belgium, and Switzerland.

One of the main results is an online multilingual course oriented to VET trainers and managers. The first version in English has been reviewed internally by the consortium and is now ready for the pilot testing.

The course consists of 6 modules (Understanding Net Zero Concept, Possible Responses and Measures to Net Zero, Creating a Plan for Net Zero, Advantages of Becoming Net Zero, Net Zero Across the Value Chain, Communicating Net Zero). Each module is organized in units, connected to a number of learning outcomes previously defined in a competence map. For each unit an interactive content is created using H5P (, a free and open-source tool designed to create and share interactive HTML5 content. It allows users to develop a wide range of interactive content types, such as quizzes, course presentations, interactive videos, and games. For the project purpose, the course presentation was chosen and a common template defined to guarantee homogeneity in the content structure and look and feel. The structure basically includes: a leaning outcomes declaration, a theoretical content, a scenario-based problem, a hands-on activity, a reflection activity, and a disclaimer page. Specific instructions were given to authors concerning the format, the length of presentations, the choice of images and videos; images, for example, must be of good quality and copyright free. In addition to these interactive presentations, for each unit as well as for the whole module, assessment quizzes are defined. 

The modular structure of the training, the explicit declaration of the intended learning outcomes, the availability of measurable criteria to assess the learner’s achievements, make the course adequate to be delivered in form of micro-credentials. A constellation of digital badges has been defined starting from the single units to the whole course. According to the Open Badges standard, each badge includes an image and metadata. The graphic design of the badges maintains a homogeneous visual identity, keeping the same design pattern in all badges. The Moodle platform, used for the creation and delivery of learning content, was also exploited to create and issue badges, by filling in the required metadata and settings for each badge. The Moodle mechanism of activity completion is exploited to automatically award a badge to a learner in case of fulfillment of all the required completion criteria set in the unit, module and course. Examples of completion criteria for validating a unit include having accessed the unit interactive presentation and passed the unit assessment test in three attempts with 100% passing score.

In conclusion, the first version of the course in English has been completed, and the badge infrastructure has been set up and is ready for open badges awarding. The next step will be a pilot testing in the different project countries. In this phase the badges will be released to the learners to share evidence of the achieved learning outcomes. 

Keep in touch to know about the testing results!!!