Category News

C95 Challenge – fine tuning with drivers in Italy

The second session of the Fine tuning for drivers took place in Marotta (Italy) on 22 May 2016. Drivers and trainers were very satisfied with the results of the training and the feedback received. Different interactive materials were presented and…

PACE Project – Teachers Training in Italy

On 9-13 May 2016 the PACE Teachers Training Course was held in Fano (Italy). The training course, organised by Training 2000, aimed at presenting the steps and tools needed for the foundation and management of a student enterprise in order to…


Training 2000 in cooperation with GO! organised the 8th TACCLE IST Course in Italy from 4-8 April 2016. The International training course aimed to help teachers to develop state of the art contents for e-learning in general and for learning…

SMEs e-Learning Best Practice Guide

The “e-learning Best Practice Guide” produced by the SMEs e-Learning project partners is available for download online.. The document, provides an overview of what is currently considered to be a measured and creative approach to e-learning. The file and an…

C95-Challenge Training Material

C95-Challenge project aims at developing educational material for drivers based on the EU Directive 59/2003 using web resources, apps and games. The educational material developed for C95-Challenge project is quite complete. It has been tested in two different piloting sessions…

Green skills for education

Training 2000 is organizing a course to provide basic knowledge about waste management, energy management and sustainability to be implemented in everyday life. The “Green skills for education” course based on the results of the Leonardo da Vinci “Fit for…

New look for


Welcome to Training 2000’s website! We are pleased to introduce our new website. Browse the new site, check out our activities, and keep up to date with us here. You will find the projects we are involved in, the activities…